Join WBCSD at the United Nations General Assembly 2019
2019 marks a key juncture for evaluating progress on climate goals and SDG implementation. Along with the Climate Action Summit on 23 September, the SDG Summit on 24-25 September, and the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development (26 September), a wide range of important events will be organized on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly.
To build on this momentum and amplify the innovative business voice, WBCSD will have a broad presence across the week. This will be a critical moment for visionary CEOs to step up in support of the sustainable development agenda, reinvigorating their commitment and raising ambition to drive systems transformation.
Below you can
WBCSD Events at UNGA
22 September 2019
One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) Stakeholder Launch Event
Time: 12:00 pm – 01:00 pm
Venue: to be confirmed
WBCSD and Danone will launch OP2B, a coalition of agriculture-centric companies determined to catalyze bold action to protect and restore cultivated and natural biodiversity within their value chains during this stakeholder lunch. The purpose of the event is for companies to publicly announce their willingness to transform their value chains within the three agreed working streams to protect biodiversity in perspective of the CBD COP15. This event is upon invitation only. For more information, please contact zimmermann@wbcsd.org.
Securing Our Future: People, Food and Nature Solving the Planetary Emergency
Time: 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Venue: Cipriani, 42nd Street, New York
Hosted by the Food and Land Use Coalition and the World Economic Forum, this high-level cocktail reception will focus on opportunities to transform food and land use systems to deliver resilient ecosystems and livelihoods and unlock the potential for nature-based solutions to the climate crisis. This event will showcase ambitious leadership, innovative partnerships, and the mobilization of collective action behind a pathway in which food and land use play a central role in delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement climate targets.
The event is upon invitation only. For more information, please contact theodora.ewer@systemiq.earth.
23 September 2019
Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Time: 08:30 am – 10:30 am
Venue: Midtown Manhattan
The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA), the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) will hold a dialogue to align their systems approaches to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The session will examine and define the differences in each of the systems approaches and align the similarities of the transformation narratives. This will help to emphasize the importance of a shared narrative between business, government, and civil society to drive SDG implementation. Secondly, the joint understanding within the event’s hosting organizations will ensure that we continue to equip stakeholders with integrated frameworks to match the interdependencies of the SDGs as well as to mobilize change within their respective systems.
The event is upon invitation only. For more information, please contact Lisa Kos at l.kos@worldbenchmarkingalliance.org
Rethinking collaboration for the Sustainable Development Goals
Time: 09:30 am – 02:30 pm
Venue: Crédit Suisse Office, 1 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010, USA
Business Fights Poverty’s annual event brings together a select group of around 100 senior professionals from business and the international development community. WBCSD is a partner of this event. Agenda and registration details available here.
Unlocking opportunities, managing risks – The role of business in ending AIDS
Time: 04.00 pm – 06.00 pm
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) will be convening a high-level business roundtable to reignite interest in the AIDS response from a business perspective and establish the foundations for a new business-led initiative to kick off in early 2020. The event is upon invitation only. For more information, please contact partner@unaids.org.
24 September 2019
Champions 12.3 Annual Public Event - An Action Agenda for Halving Food Loss and Waste by 2030
Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm (Light lunch to follow)
Champions 12.3 , the world’s leading coalition of public and private sector executives working to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 – for landmark announcements in the fight against food loss and waste is hosting this public event where you can find out if the world is on track to meet the global goal
Interactive Workshop: Are You Managing all your Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)-Related Risks?
Time: 12.00 pm – 04.30 pm, including lunch
Venue: EY Wavespace, 218 West 18th street, New York
Hosted by EY, this interactive workshop with an esteemed group of ESG and ERM
You can register to the event through this registration link.
Sustainable Development Impact Summit (Day 2) – Champions for Nature Session
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Venue: World Economic Forum office
Champions for Nature is a high-level multistakeholder group committed to raising ambition for action on issues of biodiversity and nature loss and tackling the challenge through public-private cooperation. The invitation-only meeting will be an opportunity for this leadership group to:
- Review and shape the annotated version of the New Nature Economy Report to be released in June 2020
- Inform and exchange in a peer setting developments so far on business initiatives for nature and the gap in ambition in the run-up to UN CBD COP15 in 2020
- Chart a collective way forward for Super Year 2020 across climate, biodiversity, oceans, forests, food and the SDGs.
This event is by invitation-only. For further information, please contact Kimberly.Pope@weforum.org.
WBCSD CEO Networking Dinner - FULLY BOOKED
Time: 06:30 pm – 09:30 pm
Venue: Room Landmark View, Millennium Hilton One UN Plaza, New York
Co-hosted by Jim Collins, CEO, Corteva Agriscience and Sunny Verghese, Co-founder & Group CEO, Olam International
25 September 2019
CEO Breakfast: Disruption Impacting your Business Within 10 Years - FULLY BOOKED
Time: 07:30 am – 08:45 am
Venue: The National, 125 East 50th Street, New York
Hosted by IFF, this intimate breakfast session will discuss key trends and drivers for business over the next decade and the critical transformations that are going to disrupt global markets, financial systems, and trade infrastructure, including the increasing scale and need for a circular economy. This will be a curated conversation by Bloomberg and will feature three industry disruptors who will share insights into the changes they are making to their business models. Jay Gould, President & CEO, Interface Inc.; Kathleen McLaughlin, Executive Vice President, and Chief Sustainability Officer of Walmart Inc and President of Walmart Foundation; and Tom Szaky, CEO and founder of TerraCycle. The event is invitation only. For more information, please contact merchan@wbcsd.org.
SDG Business Forum
Time: 10:00 am – 01:00 pm
Venue: United Nations Headquarters, New York
Hosted by ICC, UNDESA
Executive Roundtable: Building an Inclusive and Empowering Future of Work
Time: 04:00 pm – 06:00 pm, followed by networking drinks
Venue: Marriott East Side, 525 Lexington Avenue, East 49th Street, New York
With society and technology changing faster than ever before, companies have a key role to play in building a future where people, business and society don’t just
26 September 2019
Creating a United Business Voice to Help Reverse the Loss of Nature
Time: 08:30 am – 10:30 am
Venue: World Economic Forum Offices, New York
Business for Nature is a global coalition calling for action to reverse nature loss and restore the planet’s vital natural systems. The coalition aims at bringing a united business voice to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 in Kunming, China, October 2020. Hosted by the Business for Nature coalition, this session aims to translate the findings from the New Nature Economy Report into a business-relevant narrative that economic growth and societal well-being depends on the health of our natural ecosystems; update public and civil society actors on business commitments and existing solutions that have potential for scale and foster dialogue on policy asks from the business community to enable a transformation of our economic and business models. This event is by invitation only. For more information, please contact maelle.pelisson@businessfornature.org.
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