WBCSD at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
21- 24 January 2020, Davos-Klosters
No company, institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of a complex, interdependent world. Under the theme of Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World, the 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will seek to engage public and private actors in supporting global, regional and national initiatives that generate positive impact for all stakeholders. Within this framework, the Forum will focus on four key issues: climate change and ecosystems loss; sustainable and inclusive business models; governing technology and its impacts; and adaptation to demographic, social and technological trends.
As in previous years, WBCSD will be contributing to the Forum’s Annual Meeting through a series of engaging events across the week. We look forward to welcoming our members, partners and guests in Davos.
We are updating our list of events regularly, so please stay tuned for news on additional events.
Tuesday 21 January 2020
Business leadership for a sustainable world: accelerating systems transformation in line with WBCSD’s Vision 2050
Time: 09:30 – 11:00
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
Over three dozen WBCSD member companies are driving a collective, business-led effort to revisit its Vision 2050, a landmark report issued a decade ago and focused on the opportunity for business to help unlock the transformations that are needed to allow over 9 billion people to live well, within the boundaries of the planet by mid-century.
The final Vision 2050 output, to be completed by October of 2020, will provide business with the positive, opportunity-based, action agenda it needs for the decade to come, in support of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and further progress beyond these.
The session provides an opportunity for a peer-to-peer exchange on the back of insights about the challenges and opportunities for business to catalyze transformation of major economic systems (food, energy, mobility, etc.) and trends that will most likely shape the operating environment over the next ten years.
RSVP via Uta Jungermann at jungermann@wbcsd.org.
Business Leadership in the 2020 Super Year for Nature
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Venue: The Goal 17 Partnership Space, Kurgartenstrasse 1, Davos
2020 will be a Super Year for nature and people with world leaders having a unique opportunity to forge international agreements to reverse nature loss. Business for Nature is a global coalition bringing together influential organizations and forward-thinking businesses to demonstrate business action for nature and amplify a powerful business voice for nature.
To give policymakers the courage and comfort to take ambitious decisions to drive global systemic and transformative change, Business for Nature will release its high-level policy recommendations to world leaders and governments at the World Economic Forum Annual meeting 2020 in Davos.
Business leadership is crucial if this is to be the ‘2020 Super Year’. Businesses are invited to join this session to help develop an engagement plan that amplifies the business voice to governments at key events in 2020 and supports a new deal for nature and people.
No badges are needed but registration is compulsory. The event is open to business representatives only.
Please kindly RSVP HERE or send an e-mail to maelle.pelisson@businessfornature.org by 17 January.
This is not a drill – leveraging the TCFD recommendations in response to the global climate emergency
Time: 12:00 – 14:00
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
This lunch session will look at how companies and investors can enhance and use climate-related financial information in response to the global climate emergency. Sharing learnings from TCFD implementation to date, the session will discuss ways of accelerating climate-related financial disclosure and harnessing the power of the fourth industrial revolution in support of TCFD’s objectives.
For inquiries, contact events@wbcsd.org.
Healthy People & Healthy Planet: the protein revolution from fork to farm
Time: 20:00 – 22:00
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
This dinner session aims at mobilizing business action to shift diets and, diversifying protein production and consumption to transform our food system and deliver healthy people and a healthy planet. Providing insights into the most recent research, the session will launch unique new protein-specific findings and discuss the main levers to accelerate the necessary dietary shifts by 2030.
For inquiries, contact events@wbcsd.org.
Circular economy dinner
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
After the success of the inaugural event in 2019, the Circular economy dinner will convene leaders from pioneering companies, governments and organizations in the circular economy. Co-hosted by Circle Economy, SITRA and WBCSD and supported by PACE, the Circular Economy Dinner will include networking drinks and dinner, major announcements and short talks by high-level representatives.
For inquiries, contact Brendon at edgerton@wbcsd.org.
Wednesday 22 January 2020
Alliance to End Plastic Waste breakfast
Time: 07:30 – 08:30
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
To help address the challenge of plastic waste, a group of global companies from across the plastics value chain – companies that make, use, sell, process, collect and recycle plastics – formed a new alliance with a clear mission: to help end plastic waste in the environment. Celebrating one year since its launch, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) will host a briefing breakfast to update the Davos community on activities to date, and what to anticipate as the AEPW begins its second year of existence. Jacob Duer, President and CEO of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, joined by Member companies will present the first anniversary progress report and share insights into its strategic direction.
If you are interested to attend, please register here. For inquiries, contact Grant at mckibbin@wbcsd.org.
Investing in food systems transformation on the road to the 2021 Food Systems Summit
Time: 11:00 – 14:30
Venue: House of Switzerland (Restaurant Nordside)
The challenges our global food systems face call for a profound and swift transformation of how we produce, process, retail and consume food. This High-Level Dialogue will offer leaders from business, governments, international organizations and civil society an opportunity to make a substantial contribution to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit. The event will focus not only on the key challenges, but also discuss who should do what, focusing on investments as a key driver of change. Mr. Guy Parmelin, Federal Councillor, Switzerland will open the High-Level Dialogue, followed by a high-level panel. In the second part of the event, the discussions will continue in the form of a Food Systems Dialogue.
To attend either one or both sessions, please contact info@foodsystemsdialogues.org.
Towards a better understanding of food system value and risk
Time: 15:00 – 16:30
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
WBCSD provides guidance to help companies understand and manage the vulnerabilities associated with the transition towards a sustainable food system.
This session will examine the role of innovative new systems for understanding key business risks and opportunities with the potential to radically alter our perception of risk and value; triggering the adoption of new practices to protect value and stimulate sustainable food and agriculture outcomes.
For inquiries, contact Matthew at watkins@wbcsd.org.
Thursday 23 January 2020
The Race to Zero: Eliminating Auto Industry Emissions Across the Value Chain
Achieving a 1,5°C climate scenario while providing mobility services to all
A Launch Dinner for the Circular Car Initiative
Time: 20:00 – 21:30
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
A confluence of factors is catalyzing the greatest techno-economic shift in the automotive sector since the rise of Ford’s assembly line or even Nikolaus Otto’s four-stroke engine. Today’s industry must keep pace with concomitant revolutions in automation, artificial intelligence, digitalization, connectivity and electrification; escalating regulatory burdens aimed at improving both the environmental and safety performance of cars; and newcomers unencumbered by legacy workforce and capital.
WBCSD, WEF, Systemiq and EIT Climate KIC are launching the Circular Cars Initiative (CCI), a private/public sector collaboration focused on leveraging new technologies and business models to align the automotive industry with regulatory drivers for sustainability in the EU and globally. Through an integrated systems approach, CCI will provide a platform for actors in the value chain to eliminate gaps between economic incentives and social outcomes. A core goal of CCI is to leverage sectoral knowledge, partnerships, funding and creativity to help community members develop technologies and business models that correspond to a 1,5°C climate scenario.
The CCI launch dinner will gather 40 forward thinking executives from across the automotive value chain as well as thought leaders from public sector, non-governmental organizations and academia to highlight CCI’s vision and mission, and call on participants to collaborate to make Circular Cars a reality within a decade.
Please note: attendance at this event is by invitation only. For inquiries, contact events@wbcsd.org.
Friday 24 January 2020
The Japan Nutrition for Growth Summit (N4G): National actions on food, health and prosperity for all
Time: 07:00 – 09:00
Venue: SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos
The Nutrition for Growth Summit (N4G), hosted by the Government of Japan in December 2020, is a mobilizing point for commitments to help shape healthier diets to 2030. The imperative is to transform food systems to achieve SDG2 targets and to avoid undermining health systems (bankrupting them through escalating NCDs), exacerbating greenhouse gas emissions (generating 30% of them), and protecting livelihoods and natural resource use.
While the vision is global, actions need to be local and national. How can we develop the tools, resources and actions to help governments and businesses to implement practical reforms now?
This session will look at practical proposals to advance the 9 food and nutrition commitment areas set out in the N4G Food system commitment framework and ask in particular, how business and other stakeholders can help governments better deliver solutions faster. The areas mapped out by the N4G Summit working group led by DFID and FAO focus on transforming food systems to support people and planetary health now. The action areas to be crystallised in commitments by December 2020 include whole of government food system national action plans, and new actions by business around investment criteria, workforce nutrition, finance, and a Responsible Food Business Pledge.
The session is co-hosted by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Scaling up Nutrition, WBCSD, The Food and Land Use Coalition, The Consumer Goods Forum and Food System Dialogues.
If you are interested to attend, please contact Candela Fito at cfito@gainhealth.org. You can live stream the event at this link.
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